December 2014 Update.
Thank you once again for all your positive feedback for Ring of Conscience. 5 Star reviews continue on Amazon and Goodreads following the Kindle promotion last month. The new book, “A Parallel Trust” is finished and edited and I’m awaiting a release date for this. I’ve been overwhelmed with the praise from the beta-reads and…
A Parallel Trust: Teaser Tumblr!?
New book, A Parallel Trust is now complete. The release date will be announced shortly, together with full blurb and separate website. However, as a little teaser I have created a mood-board blog on Tumblr. http://aparalleltrust.tumblr.com/archive Feel free to follow as I intend to update this regularly.
Autumn 2014 Update
I used to love autumn when I was I was young. At junior school, I would get up early and ride to the park to collect conkers before school started. I would fill the saddle bag and exchange them with friends during the day. The songs in my mind at the time would always stay…
“Ring of Conscience” is finally released and gaining excellent reviews on Amazon and GoodReads. If you have read the book and enjoyed it please comment and rate as it all helps. NEW BOOK TRAILER A PARALLEL TRUST The new book in the series “A Parallel Trust” has been written and is currently with the editor.…
Good news! I can finally confirm the release date for ‘Ring of Conscience’ as JUNE 30th 2014. The book will be available on Amazon in print and e-book and can be ordered directly from all good book shops. It will be available outside the UK via Amazon. Ring of Conscience is a mystery-thriller which follows the trail of…